How to Quit Gambling

Quitting gambling can be an arduous journey. To make it simpler and build motivation faster, create a plan to help guide you and establish support networks.
Imagine all the positive benefits that would result from solving your issue, such as being able to pay your bills on time, having fun with friends and family or having additional funds available for vacations.
1. Identify Your Triggers
Gambling can cause people to neglect other aspects of their lives, including work and home life, as well as strain or break relationships.
Tracing your triggers is key to getting back on the right track and quitting gambling. One way of doing this is keeping a diary detailing any situations, emotions or times when the urge arises for gambling.
Replacing the mental stimulation you gained from gambling with something else will help ease withdrawal symptoms and break free of an addiction to gambling in the future. Reviving old hobbies or discovering something completely new are good options to keep mind and body busy and stimulated while moving beyond it all. It will help combat urges to gamble later.
2. Make a Plan
Recognizing your gambling problem requires courage, especially if it has cost money or created strain in relationships. But many who struggle with compulsive gambling have overcome their addiction to rebuild their lives.
The key to quitting tobacco and gambling is putting together and following through with a plan that works. This could involve getting rid of credit cards, assigning someone else with financial duties, closing online betting accounts or writing daily gratitude lists as positive affirmations practices – any number of actions which will shift focus away from unhealthy habits and towards positive ones.
Hobbies, exercise and socializing can provide great alternatives to gambling. You could also consider volunteering your services; studies show it increases happiness and boosts overall wellbeing.
3. Talk to Someone
People suffering from gambling problems often remain silent about their addiction due to not knowing who to confide in about it. If you know of someone with a gambling issue who needs treatment, encourage them by having an open and non-confrontational conversation about the matter.
Be ready for some pushback and frustration; but don’t give up if they refuse to listen or become hostile. Remain calm, focus on how their behavior is impacting you personally, and refer them to a professional gambling counsellor if necessary. When bailing them out or lending them money, avoid giving in because this removes motivation for change – instead encourage healthy activities such as socializing with friends or volunteering that might fill that void left by gambling – instead.
4. Avoid Your Triggers
Gambling addiction often manifests itself through difficulty managing stress, anxiety and depression as well as boredom which drives them to gamble excessively as an outlet. Knowing and avoiding your triggers are essential steps toward controlling gambling problems.
If your usual commute passes a casino or TAB, consider taking an alternative route. If gambling-related impulses arise while watching sports on TV, change channels. Another strategy would be removing high-risk situations like carrying large sums of cash or socializing at gambling venues from your life; these triggers may need to be replaced with healthier coping behaviors such as exercising, volunteering and journaling as ways to help prevent compulsive gambling. Changing thought patterns is also key when trying to curb compulsive gambling habits.
5. Stay Strong
Stepping carefully each day can reduce the risk of gambling addiction. Avoiding high-risk situations like casinos and other gambling venues, carrying large sums of cash around with you, setting daily goals and practicing mindfulness techniques all can help to protect against it.
Gamblers frequently turn to gambling in times of boredom, stress, loneliness and depression. Finding alternatives such as hobbies or exercising may provide relief – so should seeking professional mental health support or joining a recovery group be considered options?
Remove financial constraints associated with gambling by cutting up credit cards or giving them to someone else, closing online betting accounts and keeping only small amounts of cash on hand. Gratitude lists can also help curb gambling urges.