Online Casinos – The Vatility Factor

About 80 percent of all first time visitors to online casinos go for the slots. It’s simple – just pull the handle or push a button and drop coins into an electronic slot machine. Newcomers may find the virtual interpersonal interaction with other players in the slot tables too intimidating – most soon learn to keep their wits about them and avoid that. But the real reason for slot players dropping out before the end of the line is often lack of knowledge. Many first time slot players are lured into gambling without learning how to read slot machine trends. Learning how to interpret online casino slots is essential to succeeding at any casino game.
Slot machine gaming is no different than playing at a casino. Playing slot games online is very different from playing in an actual casino. Online casinos make all of their money through payouts. Because slot machines pay a small commission, casinos must continually rake in extra cash to support their operations. That’s why many casinos offer players a “free slot” or a reduced rate for playing on their slots machine – they want you to play.
Every casino operates differently. Some allow one or two coins to be pulled at a time. Some allow three coins at a time. Some casinos require players to pull three coins at a time. And some casinos only permit two coins at a time, or none at all.
The casino bests the odds of a winning bet by adjusting the odds. If a casino has a poor inventory or poor reels, chances are that they will have higher minimum odds. On the flip side, if the casino has a great product or a great price on something, they will have lower odds. The casino will take the highest rated casino slots that have recently come into their slots. They will then compare that to all of the other casinos to determine which ones have the best bonus games and the highest odds.
The casino will then assign odds to all of the slot players that come into their casino. For instance, the lowest-paying machine is assigned the worst odds. This is because slot players do not like to play at the worst paying slots; they’d rather play at a casino with a higher maximum payout. Obviously, casino owners need to pass this along to their slot players.
One thing you should know about the odds in slot machines is that the odds can change from one day to the next. People can come and change how they feel about slots at any given day. People can also decide whether they like to play at one particular casino over another. There are so many variables to keep track of, which is why online casinos use what is called a “volatility index” to measure the performance of each slot machine throughout the day. This is basically an average value across all of the slot machines in a particular casino.