Progressive Jackpot Slots – How to Win a Jackpot at Almost Any Slot Machine

A progressive slot machine is a jackpot that increases each time the machine is played but again, the jackpot itself is not won during each individual spin of the wheel. Instead, when the last progressive jackpot prize is collected, the jackpot amount for the following play is set to a pre-determined value, and once again, increases under the same rules. This means that whether a player wins or loses on a progressive slot machine, he or she will receive the same amount on subsequent spins.
Why do slot machines have progressive jackpots? The main reason is that casinos want players to keep playing. After all, no one likes to lose money and it can be very difficult to win money on some slot machines. By offering an increasing jackpot prize, the casino is encouraging people to stay on the machine and hopefully, they will win more. If someone wins on a single jackpot, it is very unlikely that they will win another jackpot until the jackpot prize is doubled.
The only problem with the progressive jackpots is that some people are able to predict when the jackpot will be worth a lot more than usual. This is called the “pre-determined” prize. These are often in conjunction with a slot machine called the Super Jackpot. Some times there are combinations that have a set amount of bonus money that cannot be changed. These are referred to as the “hard” prizes.
There are times, however, when a casino will offer a combination of two or more prizes that will result in the largest jackpot. The biggest of these is known as the “super” jackpot. There are rarely, if ever, combinations that will result in a jackpot with a value of more than a thousand dollars each. Almost never will you find a jackpot with a value in excess of one million dollars. If someone gets lucky, however, these are common.
There are some other slot machines that have progressive jackpots. In most casinos, if you hit three red light icons, you have just won a jackpot. In most progressive slot machines, however, if you hit three red lights, then the amount is doubled. Although, sometimes the “red light” will turn green, which still means that you have won something, but doubling your bet. Sometimes the jackpot will increase by another 100 times your original bet.
The real money in slot machine games is the payoff, which can add up to millions of dollars over the course of many weeks or months. When you find the best paying progressive jackpot slots, you will be able to retire from gambling full time at a much higher pay scale. However, this will also take time and effort on your part. Just like playing slot machines for fun, you must know when to walk away.